The Notion of Organism. Historical and Conceptual Approaches
A cura di / Edited by Andrea Gambarotto and Luca Illetterati
N. 1-4
( 2014 )
€ 55,00
Pagine: 188
Prefazione / Introduction
Saggi / Articles
- Catherine Wilson, The Concept of ‘the Organism’ in the Philosophy of Biology, 15-37
- Charles T. Wolfe, Holism, Organicism, and the Risk of Biochauvinism, 39-57
- Georg Toepfer, Organismicity and the Deconstruction of the Organism: From Substantial Forms to Degrees of Cooperation, Closure and Agency, 59-75
- Carlos Brito, Victor Marques, The Rise and Fall of the Machine Metaphor: Organizational Similarities and Differences Between Machines and Living Beings, 77-111
- François Duchesneau, Blumenbach on Teleology and the Laws of Vital Organization, 113-135
- Andrea Gambarotto, Teleology Beyond Regrets: On the Role of Schelling’s Organicism in Treviranus’ Biology, 137-153
- Luca Illetterati, The Concept of Organism in Hegel’s Philosophy of Nature, 155-165
Recensioni / Book Reviews
- Andrea Gambarotto, S. Normandin, Charles T. Wolfe (eds.), Vitalism and the Scientific Image in Post-Enlightenment Life Science, 1800-2010, 167-171
- Elena Tripaldi, Francesca Michelini, Jonathan Davies (eds.), Frontiere della Biologia: prospettive filosofiche sulle scienze della vita, 171-179
- Daniele Bertoletti, Andrea Borghini, Elena Casetta, Filosofia della biologia, 179-188